Ficha proyecto representativo
Ecosistema de innovación abierta para el desarrollo de biomateriales nano activados basados en las plantas para la industria del mercado masivo (INN-PRESSME)
INN-PRESSME aims at developing and implementing a sustainable OITB to support European companies to scale up their nano-enabled biomaterials and processes from TRL 4-5 to 7. We will focus on (nano)cellulose, bioplastics and natural fibres, combined with nanotechnology approaches to tailor biobased materials with properties and functionalities (barrier, antibacterial properties, improved corrosion or chemical resistance, etc.) that equal or outperform their fossil counterparts at competitive prices. INNPRESSME gathers 16 pilot lines, organized in routes and processes for feedstock conversion (PLA, PHA, fibre-based, cellulose-based), formulation and transformation and processing of bio-based material to high added value products. INN-PRESSME is a joint collaborative net of 27 partners from 10 EU countries from North (Fi, Nor, Swe, UK, Be), South (Sp, It, Fr) and central Europe (Ge, Po). All technical and market oriented services are provided by specific partners, include equipment and methods for processing, fast and accurate/reliable characterization, scaling up, nanosafety, eco-design and circular economy assessment (recyclability and biodegradability), product certification, digitization of the OITB, sustainable OITB´ business plan, technology transfer, support for funding, networking activities. The value proposition will be validated for 3 targeted mass markets (packaging, energy/transport, and consumer goods sectors) with 9 test cases co-developed with Early Adopters (7 IND, 1 SME) and with additional test cases through open calls. All this will secure the smooth transition of the new material concepts to the market, for acumulated turnover of about 56M€ by 2029. Additionally, for maximizing the impacts on SMEs, the OITB will rely on a strong network of European clusters and initiatives and on an efficient promotional campaigns including towards the ECCP members or regional initiatives funded by ERDF. These services will be available through single entry point.
Descripción de la participación del Instituto Tecnológico
Associating all competences of the OITB for SMEs and companies in one place, allowing them to get access to bio-based materials, with enhanced properties mainly by incorporating nanoadditives, while covering the whole value chain (from feedstock conversion to final end products), with circularity and sustainability as essential drivers. This will serve to ensure competitive end-prices of nano biobased materials and reduced time-to-market, taking into consideration regulations and supply chains requirements respect, and offering multiple useful services to companies such as training, access to funding. INN-PRESSME gathers 26 partners, including 8 early-adopters, to implement a sustainable OITB to upscale materials (both conversion of feedstock and bio-resources and formulation of nano-enabled biomaterials) and processes from TRL 4-5 to 7. The focus will be on materials originated from plants, such as nanocellulose, bioplastics and natural fibers (NFs), all available in EU-27. The core of the INN-PRESSME ecosystem are 16 pilot lines (PLs) (see Figure 1) offering a wide and flexible range of materials development and product processing/transformation processes targeting energy/transport, packaging and consumer goods. Technical and market-oriented services will be available to reduce time-to-market for users. Main project obkectives: 1. Setting-up and operating the OITB 2. Upgrading Pilot Lines to produce materials at TRL7 3. Validating the OITB procedures and value proposition in co-development with Early Adopters 4. Facilitating companies’ access to the OITB and bio-based materials. 5. Promoting and enhancing communication and dissemination 6. Increasing circular economy for companies and for Europe
Áreas de conocimiento y líneas tecnológicas
Sectores de aplicación
Materiales plásticos
L1 - Biodegradabilidad / Compostabilidad
L2 - Empleo de materiales biodegradables y/o hidrosolubles para su uso en diferentes aplicaciones
Procesos industriales
Europeo - Código Referencia: SEP-210637309 - Programa: DT-NMBP-04-2020 Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled bio-based materials