Ficha proyecto representativo




Envío inteligente y envases innovadores para la gestión de las pudriciones poscosecha de la naranja ecológica (BIORANGEPACK)








The project scope is to increase the efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness of organic citrus supply chain in the EU-Med area by reducing post-farming fruit losses caused by fungal pathogens, extending the shelf-life of fresh fruit and minimizing the wastes of the fruit industrial transformation. Specific objectives, actions and challenges (bold characters) are as follows - Development of an integrated and sustainable management strategy of post-harvest fungal rots and toxins, using ecological substances and bioproducts based on microbial antagonists as well as a process quality control system based on the identification of critical points in citrus packinghouses (Exploitantion of natural antimicrobials to guarantee product stability and reduce incidence of foodborne pathogens) - Development of smart packaging systems, using either physical approaches to make polymeric films less permeable to both humidity and active gases or nanotechnologies to activate the packaging with a cellulose-based biocoating releasing substances that inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens (Adoption of smart packaging technologies with low risk of microbial cross-contamination, validated in actual Mediterranean production systems) - Application of a circular bio-economy strategy to the citrus supply chain using citrus pulp as a row material to produce new biodegradable, smart and green packaging for fresh citrus fruit and citrus juices, as complementary to plastic packaging. (Alternative processes valorising side- and by-products, constituting environment impacting wastes) - Improvement of logistics of fresh citrus fruit by exploiting smart technologies to implement a remote sensing platform and a cloud-based infrastructure as a decision support system to optimize shipping conditions and reduce losses caused by post-harvest rots during storage and transportation (Application of postfarming strategies and logistic solutions to reduce food losses during storage and transportation).


Descripción de la participación del Instituto Tecnológico


Reduction (from 30 to 0.5%) of losses caused by post-harvest rots during storage and transportation, by treating the fruits with non-toxic, eco-friendly substances and bio-products compatible with organic food as an alternative option to synthetic fungicides (innovative green technology). ii) raising of the quality standards of fresh fruits and juice by using molecular diagnostics (innovative biotechnology) for the detection of pathogenic quarantine fungi (zero tolerance) and mycotoxins (under detectable levels) and excluding fruits that do not comply with EU and EPPO phytopathological and toxicological standards. iii) extension of the shelf-life (from 40 to 45-50 days for oranges; from 60 to 70 days for lemons) of fresh fruit using biodegradable active biocoating and smart packaging; iv) application of smart technologies (ICT-based technologies and machine learning techniques) to reduce shipping times and optimize the delivery of fruits to the targeted markets (20% increase in shipment efficiency and exclusion of complaints or cuts by GDO); v) minimizing the waste (reduction up to 80%) of the industrial fruit transformation by recycling and exploiting the most of citrus pulp, the major byproduct of juice and essence industry, by utilizing it as a raw material to produce a biodegradable and natural biocoating of fruit packaging, in accordance with the principles of circular economy and the standards of organic food. The cost of the BiOrangePack products and solutions is fully balanced by the reduction of fresh fruit losses (from 30 to 0.5%). Fig. 3 shows the estimated incidence of each BiorangePack item on the price of organic citrus fruit. In particular, biocides will have a percentage impact on the estimated selling price of around 3%, innovative packaging materials will account for 5%, bioactive coating for a maximum of 1% and ICT-based shipping management of around 6%. Still considering a 0.5% losses, the total additional cost is less than losses without BiOrangePack (30% in terms of value). The total income (gain) will pass from 70% to 84.5% after the introduction of BiorangePack approach. Moreover, it should be considered the added value of organic citrus fruit (current retail prices will rise by 30%), the increase in consumption of organic citrus fruits in the EU (from the current 15% to 25% of the whole fresh citrus fruit market) and the expansion of the market of citrus fruit to non-EU countries. BiorangePack will also impact on the citrus juice industry as it will add value to the citrus pulp, its major by-product.In terms of value, a reduction from 30% to 0.5 % of fruit losses in the post-farming citrus supply chain of the EUMediterranean region can be roughly quantified in a profit of 4.69 B per year, assuming a total production of 5.2 million tons and an average market price of 63 /100 kg. Furthermore, the increase in the quality and the traceability of organic citrus fruit will impact on the selling price in markets that appreciate food quality (Austria, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.). In these markets consumers prefer to buy organic products even if they are more expensive than conventional ones.


Áreas de conocimiento y líneas tecnológicas


Sectores de aplicación



Materiales plásticos


L1 - Desarrollo de materiales funcionales (materiales activos, inteligentes, etc.)



Tecnologías de envase y embalaje






Europeo - Código Referencia: EU PRIMA- BIORANGEPACK (S2- 2019) - Programa: PRIMA



